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#431337 by HighFlyer
10 Jan 2008, 18:01
Oooh. a travel show [:D] Will check with his Lordship but we might well be up for it.

I know its only £8, but are there any discount codes kicking about?

#431339 by HighFlyer
10 Jan 2008, 18:13
Originally posted by Nottingham Nick
Yes, details of one on FT. [;)][8D]

Well done that man! [:D] Tickets for a quid? Sweet!

#431341 by Decker
10 Jan 2008, 18:27
Sunday or Saturday then? Will just book at those prices ;)
#431356 by MrsG
10 Jan 2008, 22:01
Hmmm[:?] I'm around that weekend. I could possibly make the Saturday.
#431357 by HighFlyer
10 Jan 2008, 22:04

At those prices we have nothing to lose ... [:)]

p.s. Would be great to meet you at last Amanda!

#431360 by Darren Wheeler
10 Jan 2008, 22:26
I might be up for this (unless I disgrace myself on the PCP) will just have to check the work rota as on nights. Trip to the big city to get some ideas for 2009.
#431361 by Wolves27
10 Jan 2008, 22:32
I'll be selling my wares like some modern day Eliza Dolittle at the NEC that weekend so won't be able to make it I'm afraid.

Trust me, I would rather have a day of inspirational travel porn mind you. Oh well, might try and drag his lordship over to the one later that month at said NEC.


#431365 by MrsG
10 Jan 2008, 22:55
Originally posted by HighFlyer

At those prices we have nothing to lose ... [:)]

p.s. Would be great to meet you at last Amanda!


Likewise [:D]
#431402 by Roxy-Popsy
11 Jan 2008, 13:27
I've received FREE [:D][:D]tickets thru the post for the past 3 years, why haven't you??????????????????
I have to say that I have not received this years tickets as yet. I keep listening out for Mr Postie[:w]
I plan to go on the Thursday or the Friday, can't do either date at the weekend.
It is always a good show (or was) for ideas & freebies.[:w]
#431472 by Darren Wheeler
12 Jan 2008, 14:52
Well I've bought a ticket for £1.05. At that price it's silly not to. Just in case they stop it this weekend

Just have to check the leave rota now to get a day off......
#431479 by HighFlyer
12 Jan 2008, 15:49
Darren, do you get the second email where you can print the tickets from? We've tried to book two tickets but have had a little difficulty. Fingers crossed, we'll also have two tickets for the weekend.

#431480 by Darren Wheeler
12 Jan 2008, 15:54
Sarah. I've received mine OK. it took a few minutes to come through. Printed fine as well.
#431655 by RichardMannion
14 Jan 2008, 20:36
I spoke to See Tickets earlier as it would appear that the 2nd mail has too high a SCL value, so my mail server is bouncing it. They are sending the 2 tickets out, so we'll be there!

Who else is going on the Saturday?
#431666 by Decker
14 Jan 2008, 20:57
2 booked
#431684 by Roxy-Popsy
14 Jan 2008, 22:22
Got mine, bring on the freebies[;)][:w]
#431685 by DMetters-Bone
14 Jan 2008, 22:30
2 tickets booked for us too! Ooohhhh how exciting!! We will have to meet at the champers stand!! [y]

#431701 by MrsG
15 Jan 2008, 04:25
Ok chaps. I will book this when I get home tomorrow. I will probably be along in the afternoon as I will be recovering from a previous evening's pampering at The Sanctuary. Tough, I know.

Why do I get the impression that you like Champagne, Dominic?
#431707 by HighFlyer
15 Jan 2008, 10:52
Originally posted by MrsG
Why do I get the impression that you like Champagne, Dominic?

Ah, on our last outing to a Travel show, i think the V-Flyer contingent spent most of the day at the Champagne bar getting slowly sozzled on bottles of Moet. [:0] I hope we do the same this year [:D]

#431711 by DMetters-Bone
15 Jan 2008, 11:16
Originally posted by HighFlyer
Originally posted by MrsG
Why do I get the impression that you like Champagne, Dominic?

Ah, on our last outing to a Travel show, i think the V-Flyer contingent spent most of the day at the Champagne bar getting slowly sozzled on bottles of Moet. [:0] I hope we do the same this year [:D]


I am SO at the Champagne stand, I am happy to be bag lady and look after all the bags and sip champers!! [^]

Really looking forward to it and seeing everyone again!

#431715 by Decker
15 Jan 2008, 11:46
We do know this ISN'T the CondŽ Nast Luxury Travel Show?
#431723 by Francesca
15 Jan 2008, 12:43
I can't make it as I have a prior engagement.

Note to bitches - pick up info for our China trip[:)]

Mrs D
#431754 by MrsG
15 Jan 2008, 21:02
Just booked mine[y] I'll be there on the Saturday. Is there any plan for meeting up yet?
Virgin Atlantic

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