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V-Flyer Dinner Night in DXB

PostPosted: 05 Apr 2006, 10:29
by HighFlyer
V-Flyer Dinner Night in DXB

As many of you know, a few V-Flyers were out in DXB at the same time, so we all met up for dinner at the Burj Al Arab, this is just a quick recap of the night (for those of us who had a few Sherry's and have a hazy recollection of it) and also to show those of you who were not there what you missed out on.

Guys, if I have left anything out, please fill in …

A small get together had been arranged for those V-Flyers out in Dubai at this time: Myself, Mitchja, IForrest1, Mrs IForrest1, baby IForrest1, Sky, TonyT and Mrs TonyT, so here's how it went ...

Plans were to dine at the Al Muntaha restaurant at the Burj Al Arab, serving international cuisine in a restaurant suspended 200 meters above sea level – well, a building hanging on to the very top of the Burj!

James and I were staying at the Burj so we invited our fellow V-Flyers to come over early, around 5.30pm for a tour of our suite and the facilities in general. Sky arrived in Dubai the same morning as us from Delhi, so we told him to come over to the Burj when he was ready. Sure enough, about 12.30pm a car arrived outside and we witnessed a Segway being unpacked from the boot – we knew then that he had arrived safely!

We met our fellow V-Flyers in the lobby at 5.30pm and had a slow meander round the Burj, then went up to the suite to show the room to our fellow friends. It was fab to be able to offer dates, Baklava and savoury snacks as these were all left in our room. The suites at the Burj are fantastic for entertaining as there is plenty of space.





We watched the sun set behind us in the suite at about 18.15pm, then we made our way to the SkyView bar and Al Muntaha restaurant. A round of mojitos and Bacardi mixed drinks were poured at the bar, lovingly consumed, and then we made our way to the table.

Food at the Al Muntaha was not cheap, but wasn’t overly expensive. I had imagined £100+ per head, but thankfully this was not the case. We decided to decline starters and go straight for main courses, except for Sky, who cleared a plate of Foie Gras, despite having had lunch a few hours ago. We were given some strange local dish as a welcome starter – all I can describe it as, is a shot glass full of warm runny cheese flavour soufflé accompanied with a small plate of mixed croutons, pickle and something beef looking. Very odd!


We were furnished with a variety of breads, cheeses and oils too - good thing too as it helped us feel that we got a little more for our Dirhams ;).

TonyT was very generous and got a few bottles of a delicious Red for the table. I showed off exactly how much of a wine connoisseur I am by praising his fine choice – of house Red! Still, I thought it was nice! Our waiter introduced himself, and informed us that the Pigeon was off the menu (oh shame!)

There were a fair few main dishes to choose from, a good selection of meat, poultry, fish and Vegetarian options. I went for the Wild Mushroom and Black Truffle Risotto, which was absolutely fab, very scrumptious. From memory, Sky had the Chicken, Mrs IForrest1 and Mrs TonyT has the Sea Bass, TonyT went for the steak, which came with lots of ‘sides’, so a good choice there compared to my small serving! Mitchja had the duck and IForrest1 went for the lamb. Everybody seemed pleased with the food.



We had a nice dinner and lots of chat about Dubai and of course the Forum. We had a toast to Pete, and to everyone else that makes V-Flyer possible, as the meal was a true testament to the amazing influence the site has had on us all, giving us good company to share in this fine evening, and indeed in places all over the VS network! ;)


Dinner was followed by chocolates in the restaurant, and we then decided to head out of the Burj for some fine drinking! The Forrest family went back to their hotel to put baby to bed (who had been as good as gold all evening) so the rest of us wondered over the road to find a drinking establishment, and also to get a look at the Burj at night as they light the building up with changing colours and fire flames up at intermittent intervals!

We found a bar over the road in a neighbouring hotel and carried on drinking into the evening, and called it a night when the hours of the day were measured in small numbers.

So, a great night had by all. Thank-you to all of you who came out for the evening, it was a real pleasure to meet up with V-Flyer friends both old and new, and what better place than the latest route as served by our favourite airline.


PostPosted: 05 Apr 2006, 10:43
by Nottingham Nick
Thanks for that, Sarah. [y][y]

The Burj really seem like it lived up to its billing.


PostPosted: 05 Apr 2006, 10:58
by Bazz
Great Sarah, thanks for sharing, excellent pics too [y] I am sooooooo jealous ;)

PostPosted: 05 Apr 2006, 10:59
by Mavrick
Great report and nice pics too,glad to know the dinner went well thank you Sarah. [y] :D

PostPosted: 05 Apr 2006, 11:14
by Decker
Beautifully written as always and very informative! Thanks for that.

PostPosted: 05 Apr 2006, 12:07
by mitchja
Just to add to what Sarah has already said. A great evening, a fantastic meal, great company and in a fantastic location. Perfect. :)

A big thankyou to Tony for the excellent choice in wine as well [oo] [y]

We did all pass on having the Caviar for starters. Now how much did we work out the Beluga Caviar cost, wasn't it something like £800 [:?]


PostPosted: 05 Apr 2006, 12:30
by HighFlyer
James, right on! Yes i think it was about £800 for the most expensive Beluga - and that was shocking enough after we discovered the Burj breakfast at £60 a head .... complete with Beluga and Lobster LOL


PostPosted: 05 Apr 2006, 12:38
by fozzyo
Originally posted by HighFlyer
except for Sky, who cleared a plate of Foie Gras

Hmm, sounds like someone else shares Dean's passion.

Great report again Sarah, thanks. I think that this has cemented the Burj on our list of possible hotels for our 10th Anniversary. Though, once Dean see's this I'm not sure he'll be able to wait that long.

Mat xxx

PostPosted: 05 Apr 2006, 12:50
by Jonathan
me wanna go now!! great TR!!

PostPosted: 05 Apr 2006, 13:08
by jilly
Thank you for sharing - from the photos it looks like you had a wonderful time, I'm not jealous at all.


PostPosted: 05 Apr 2006, 14:07
by jaguarpig
Thanks,now where is my amex:D

PostPosted: 05 Apr 2006, 19:25
by Scrooge
Originally posted by Jonathan
me wanna go now!! great TR!!

So do I..Sarah...Dec?

Just a quick question,from what I know of him,SKY spends all his time either in an airplane seat or on his Segway,with the amount he eats how the heck does he stay so slim?

PostPosted: 05 Apr 2006, 20:52
by HighFlyer
So do I..Sarah...Dec?

Go, go go .... ;)


PostPosted: 05 Apr 2006, 23:03
by mcuth
Sounds like a brilliant night - thanks for the report Sarah [y][y]



PostPosted: 23 Apr 2006, 19:52
by JAT74L
Looks fantastic but the fact that it was £65 for 1 course and £18 for a bottle of beer (I'm told) removes it from the "not overly expensive" category in my book...



PostPosted: 23 Apr 2006, 20:00
by mitchja

I dont remember how much drinks were, but I really dont think they were that much.


PostPosted: 24 Apr 2006, 09:15
by iforres1
To be honest I did not rate the food for the price we paid. But the company was great, the hotel stunning.

Drinks were pricey mitchja £4 a can of coke and i'm sure the corono was up around the £18 a bottle. Tony T would know for sure
Nothing compared to your mini-bar prices though James[:0]


PostPosted: 24 Apr 2006, 18:50
by Tony T
Can't possibly comment on price of drinks as I am still laying on my back, bare chested, with a couple of paddles and somebody in a gown periodically shouting clear!

PostPosted: 24 Apr 2006, 19:06
by JAT74L
I didn't mean to pour a bucket of ice on the proceedings here but I think things need to be put into perspective.



PostPosted: 24 Apr 2006, 19:14
by RichardMannion
Originally posted by JAT74L
I didn't mean to pour a bucket of ice on the proceedings here but I think things need to be put into perspective.



I agree - 4 pounds for a coke is obscene, and 18 pounds for a bottle of corona is offensively obscene. 65 pounds for one course is just taking the piss to be honest. No restaurant can justify that kind of cost IMO.

I certainly wouldn't have frequented the place if they are the prices - there is being tight, and then there is being sensible. I've been to a number of well known restaurants that are expensive, Nobu, The Ivy, The Witchery (with someone else paying) and yes they were nice meals but none are in my list of top restaurants. I would top out at around 75/head for a meal, and by meal I mean 3 courses and drinks.


PostPosted: 24 Apr 2006, 19:28
by MarkJ
If you go to a Ransay or Le Manoir then you are in the £55 - £75ncategory and the food is bloody good!!

I agree with you Richard - I dont mind paying to have food or drink in a lovely setting - like a glass of champagne in a nice big friendly bar or meal in a quality restauarant - you do pay for the ambience - but yes £4 for a coke is a rip!!!

PostPosted: 24 Apr 2006, 19:35
by Gelding
Being a man of natural tightness (a Yorkshireman) I find £4 for a can of coke a joke.

There are nice places and my limit is probably the same as LROM's. Personally i do believe you can pay for the name most of the time. Still it looks like you all had an ace time there and thats what matters.

Going to Dubai in 3 weeks and can't wait! One thing that i would like to know is, what is the dress code for a lot of the hotel restaurants and the bars? I dont mind putting a shirt on but i dont own a lot of trousers! Can you get away with smart jeans? No where seems to say.

PostPosted: 24 Apr 2006, 19:40
by Tony T
I think to clarify the situation everybody chipped in £65.00 for their meal which in all truthfullness was a pre dinner drink (one) at the bar and a main course. I think I got off light as I had the steak (which was excellent)but sadly was over £65.

PostPosted: 24 Apr 2006, 19:44
by Tony T
I stayed at the Jebel Ali and I noticed on one occasion a man being asked to leave the restaurant and change into something other than jeans. Also shorts are not allowed.

PostPosted: 24 Apr 2006, 19:52
by RichardMannion
Originally posted by Tony T
I think to clarify the situation everybody chipped in £65.00 for their meal which in all truthfullness was a pre dinner drink (one) at the bar and a main course. I think I got off light as I had the steak (which was excellent)but sadly was over £65.

Over 65 for a steak! Jesus!

I've been to Ruth Chris's a nubmer of times, along with Smith & Wollensky's and none of them charge that much, and the steaks are the best of the best.
