#830239 by at240
14 Nov 2012, 09:25
If you look at the 'Recent Activity' list and see that someone has posted to one of the forums, clicking on the link that takes you to the relevant thread only takes you to the beginning of the thread.

Wouldn't it make more sense to be taken directly to the post concerned?

#830241 by Pete
14 Nov 2012, 10:19
A good suggestion, but there's a technical reason why that's not possible unfortunately.

The point at which the activity stream hooks into the phpBB forum code (because it's effectively a hack into that code) is before it commits the post to the database, so it doesn't know the ID of the new post, only the ID of the thread.

#830280 by stevebrass
14 Nov 2012, 14:10
Pete wrote:A good suggestion, but there's a technical reason why that's not possible unfortunately.

The point at which the activity stream hooks into the phpBB forum code (because it's effectively a hack into that code) is before it commits the post to the database, so it doesn't know the ID of the new post, only the ID of the thread.


I always suspected this. :D

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