#746652 by pjh
26 May 2010, 13:49
ukcobra wrote:I am in a meeting in Phoenix, and half the attendees have them here. It appears to be more acceptable to have one out and getting email, than having a laptop open.

v( Oh bl**dy h*ll. It's already bad enough trying to run meetings / workshops / courses when people have access to text messaging... :D. Now they'll be watching reruns of "Lost" or Eurovision as I try to add value to their enterprise..
#746658 by totallylost
26 May 2010, 18:14
I'm considering getting one. I agree with some previous comments, ma iphone is good, but there are times when I like to use a larger screen, but don't want to use my laptop. I rekon for me, it'll fit in quite well, so I'll probably end up getting at some point :-)
#746666 by willd
26 May 2010, 19:24
Gosh I am already torn and have not even seen one close up, it did look good for 10metres away on Saturday in a London park!

I really want one, and am 99% sure I will try and pick one up in the Autumn if I head to the States (and they have availability).

Whilst my trusty Macbook is getting rather slow of late, I know I would end up replacing it with a Macbook pro at ~£1500, so surely I am saving myself money in the short term by getting an iPad!!! Well that is until I want a new Macbook Pro to go with my shinny iPad. Also holding out to see how much the new iPhone 4G will be.

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