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#943350 by buns
05 May 2018, 17:47
Ground Staff
Food & Drink
Cabin Crew
I know I have not posted a Trip Report for some time (for which I apologise)as I had begun to think I was getting stale with so many comments about poor FSMs and the like. However, the most recent trip to Orlando by Mrs Buns and myself was such a revelation, that I thought it important to share with you all.

As some may recall, Thursday 19 April was the fist day this year that the UK encountered weather that would be better than much of Europe and indeed the same as Florida that for one nanosecond I contemplated cancelling, but knowing how much Mrs b needed a break (and retail therapy) I thought better of it :-)

I had booked Tristar directly and as is usual, the driver arrived ahead of time, so we were away from the house at 7:15 and due some problems on the M23, we took the A23 to arrive at the Airport just before 8. All the counters were occupied when we arrived at the VS area but a nice chap engaged with us before directing us to the first free agent. That experience was not so pleasing, with little interaction, but as our initial welcome and the Clubhouse team did so well I have marked overall on the latter points.

After getting past the podium, (where a couple ahead where looking for a voucher they had purchased on line) Premium Security was a doddle and thence into the "Duty Free Maze" everyone is now forced through before reaching the main airside area and we made a beeline for the Clubhouse :-D Now for those who know the VS15 departs at 1pm, you will of course ask "why so early?" Well, regular readers will know just how much we admire the Gatwick Clubhouse and rate it over and above any other in the VS Network. This is because the staff are consistent and whenever you do arrive, they will recognise repeat guests, I know just how valuable such recognition is and this will never be overshadowed by Heathrow as Gatwick as the latter is only open in the mornings, whereas Heathrow is open most of the day and the staff there work shifts.

That said, when we arrived, after receiving our usual warm welcome, the place was heaving and for a moment I had to wonder whether Delta where now flying from Gatwick ;-) We found a table by the window to eat our breakfast and of course our first glass of champers :cool: After we had our breakfast (during which time Mrs b was able to book our treatments!) before we adjourned to the comfy seats near the wall and had our respective Redhead / Bramble.

It transpired the reason why the Clubhouse was so busy was many of the flights were departing within a small timeframe window. Sure enough, once two flights were called the place emptied out quite significantly and I was able to notice the Credit Card lady helping out. Mrs B did have a chat with her and it seems like she will be doing the new version at some point in the future, but she was unaware of any bonus that might be offered.

All too quickly (well four hours if you are counting :blush: ) it was time to go to the gate. You do have to yomp across the main departure lounge to get to the Gate where VS depart from, but once at the Gate, we were through in no time and on board "Barabarella".

Once in the UC Cabin we were welcomed with some champagne and very shortly after the FSM approached us and welcomed us back!! Yes, we had a good FSM and i knew it would be a great flight :) Indeed throughout we were addressed by name and the service was superb. Th eFSM helped out in both UC and PE.

After take off, I had a quick look around the aircraft. UC was full, as was PE but apart from the bubble (which was full) Economy was almost empty. Whilst i will be so sorry to see the queen of the Skies depart from VS, the time is fast approaching when they should be retired :-(

I have already posted the menu and can say the soup, steak, pudding and cheese were all splendid. Nothing was too much for the Crew and all the cabin was well looked after.

On the Duty Free front, VS now have a whole range of specialist gins for pre-order. Mrs B could not resist :-D :-D

I should perhaps highlight one passenger in UC. A lady was with her 18 month child and looked very nervous when she boarded. Mrs b and I waved at the little boy and i have to say he was an absolute delight. Mrs b engaged mum in conversation during the flight and it transpired this was boy's first flight and mum was very anxious. Mrs b was able to put her at her ease by saying how much we both were impressed with how she had kept her son occupied to which she replied "I only used half my repertoire :) "

I highlight this because it shows how preparation can reduce the stress for parents worried about reactions on board.

Upon landing at MCO I saw all those VS jumbos lined up and feared the worse. However, we disembarked very quickly and down the corridor to an anti room where the machines were located and were through in no time - Result!!

All in all, after a couple of lack lustre flights, this was a flight to remember. As you will soon see the return was just as good.

Thanks for reading

#943351 by hiljil
05 May 2018, 17:58
Thank you for your most encouraging TR. What a delight to read that you had such an enjoyable experience both in the CH and on board. And how good to have the hint that the return lived up to expectations too.
So pleased for you. :-D
#943483 by pjh
10 May 2018, 18:11
buns wrote:All too quickly (well four hours if you are counting :blush: ) it was time to go to the gate.


Thanks for the TR and glad to hear of a good experience. I came very close to booking an ex LGW trip for October in the sun - at least in part to try the CH - but in the end decided against based on cost. :-( Instead we're headed to Mardi Gras courtesy of the bargain UC / Delta One fares that popped up the next day. :D
#943486 by tomthumb
10 May 2018, 21:03
Always nice to have an outstanding flight
Virgin Atlantic

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