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VS207 HKG-LHR 18 MAY 18 (Upper Class)

PostPosted: 22 May 2018, 09:52
by CommanderB
Ground Staff
Food & Drink
Cabin Crew
Another brief report of my Hong Kong trip for those interested. I generally refrain from doing TR's for my work trips, as there would be dozens! But this trip was an exception.

I returned from HKG on VS207 the Friday after I flew out. Quite a quick visit really.

I arrived fairly late to check in, due to a fairly late dinner in town. Ended up being one of the last to check in. I asked about upgrades from Premium to Upper and told - no, flight is oversold. I asked about Bulkhead seats - no, already taken. I finally offered to fly the following day if the flight was oversold (knowing full well the following day was J0 W0 as well). Offer declined. Oh well... i'll have to sit in my assigned seat.

Off to the lounge via duty free. I opt to walk instead of taking the transit, as the walkways are generally as fast given that I walk quite fast.

Lounge was already filling up. Some dim sum on offer, Lamb kebabs and vegetable samosa with the usual other nibbles and a good chocolate tart too. I reviewed the Hong Kong lounge previously, see post here for a more extensive report on it.

I left the lounge 30 seconds before boarding was announced and headed to Gate 40 where G-VOOH was waiting to take us back to LHR. Once I got to the gate, boarding for UC & Gold was already underway with the vast majority of those boarding, Gold, heading into PE. I went to board, only to receive the magic beep. New boarding pass printed for 1G and I set off down the jet bridge :cool: :cool:

Once onboard, I went to stow baggage and forgot that rows 1-4G don't have any overhead storage due to the crew rest area being located above them. So I stored the case I was carrying, as well as a suit carrier in the wardrobe in the door 1R wardrobe and threw my rucksack in the overhead bin above 1K. I was worried I was taking up too much of 1/2K's overhead space, but they had packed light and there was plenty of space in the end.

We were a tad late leaving stand, but after a short taxi, we took off. It was a fairly bumpy take off and the bumps continued for a good 15 minutes into the flight resulting in the seatbelt signs staying on much longer than normal. But once they were off, cabin crew commenced the stellar service. I continued with Apple & Elderflower twists from the bar - with the small cup of crisps (orange doritio's) provided. I really do love those drinks!

Menu was as follows -




I opted for the Mushroom soup & Sticky toffee pudding which were both delicious. The only observation I have with the pudding, is it would be nice if it came with Ice Cream or something - but I really shouldn't be too picky!

After dinner, I changed the seat to bed mode, went and changed. Had a brief chat with the First Officer on my return about approach into LHR. I initially thought 09L which is commonplace for the super early arrivals, but forgot all about the Royal Wedding - so 09L was no fly. Ended up coming in over north London before doing a 180 degree turn onto 09R. Landing was smooth, and it was a short taxi past G-VNAP on the way to the gate, among others. Still three 789's parked over on the south of runway 27L/09R.

Disembarking was speedy, as was baggage return. Bags were already arriving by the time I got down there, and I was walking very quickly and had no delay at the border - so I was impressed there.

I opted to not do revivals as I didn't want food and thought, I will shower at home for a change. Hopped in an Uber home and reflected on one of the best VS flights i've had.

(On a side note.... VS decided to take 28,700 miles from me for the 'OpUp' despite giving me no warning when they changed my boarding pass at the gate. So a call to the gold line rectified this on Sunday morning. I don't mind paying for upgrades, but when you are explicitly told its a freebie, I don't think its unreasonable for them to honour that, especially on an overbooked flight.) Also noticed both outbound and inbound flight credited the underlying PE fare miles correctly, which is a first. So despite being in G for both flights, maybe the computer now knows how to credit the underlying fare which up until now - it has never done for me.

CommanderB, out.

Re: VS207 HKG-LHR 18 MAY 18 (Upper Class)

PostPosted: 22 May 2018, 12:12
by Sealink
Glad to hear you had a good flight, and the magic beep!!

Re: VS207 HKG-LHR 18 MAY 18 (Upper Class)

PostPosted: 23 May 2018, 10:16
by joeyc
Ah, the magic beep. Always a great thing to hear as long as it doesn't mean 'extra security check' :-P

Odd that they took miles from your account for the Op-Up though, don't think I have seen that one before.

Did you not have a main course? The grilled chicken breast is very nice.

Cheers for the TR :cool:

Re: VS207 HKG-LHR 18 MAY 18 (Upper Class)

PostPosted: 23 May 2018, 15:42
by CommanderB
joeyc wrote:
Odd that they took miles from your account for the Op-Up though, don't think I have seen that one before.

I think it was because I asked about upgrades at check-in, they assumed I wanted one - despite no discussion of price etc - and went ahead with that procedure. As I explained to the Gold line - probably just terrible communication on their part.