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the 'armani' guy with freebies

PostPosted: 06 Nov 2014, 18:02
by sungod
has anyone else met the pleasant guy in the car who, stops, waves to you and asks for directions to the airport...

then rapidly moves onto explaining how he's an armani designer and that he has 'samples' from a fashion show that just will not fit in his luggage, so he was wondering if you'd like them for free

but they do not look like the fabled giorgio was involved in any way, in later stages i assume it moves from free to involving money, but i bail out before it gets that far, too old and cynical

he even has an armani (emporio, pfft!) business card, resplendent with hotmail address

so far i've come across him twice, once in paris, once in dubai (tonight), coincidentally the first time i was on the way to dior, tonight on the way from dior (not buying the bling, other business)

tonight was hilarious - for me - as i anticipated each step of his offer, until i couldn't stay serious any longer, reminded him of paris and waved bye bye

now i'm wondering is it me, dior, or do others meet him as well? or have i been turning down a bargain? where will i meet him next?

Re: the 'armani' guy with freebies

PostPosted: 06 Nov 2014, 19:19
by ratechaser
Sounds like you have a designer stalker. I can only assume you managed to get an op-up, when you consider that the typical stalker would be more at home wearing an anorak from Millets

Re: the 'armani' guy with freebies

PostPosted: 06 Nov 2014, 19:26
by McCoy
Didn't that scam used to be hifi speakers out the back of a van, in a service station car park?!

Re: the 'armani' guy with freebies

PostPosted: 06 Nov 2014, 19:33
by Virgin AU Flyer
Sun god
I've seen this in Dubai also. Guy got out of his car showing me fabric wads and suits in his boot saying I could have them for free. Perfect fit etc even showed me harrods catalogue and explained he was on his way to airport and not needed now. But in exchange he wanted me to buy his daughter an iPhone from the mall!
Was quite a common experience in Dubai amongst colleagues.