A forum for discussion of Social Activities
#137493 by Littlejohn
06 Sep 2006, 12:29
The Minister of the Interior and I are planning to come up to edinburgh to see the festival (we do it every 3 years or so) and to do some Missionary work (we do it every 3 years or so;)), so were the dates to coincide, we would be in.
#137607 by Nottingham Nick
06 Sep 2006, 17:50
This is Pete's domain, but I would be all for it. We will probably spend a little longer there this time.

Pete mentioned that the Katzenjammer lads are looking to book a longer stint as well. I would hope the V-Flyer trip (if there is to be such a thing) would coincide with their residency.

#137749 by Pete
07 Sep 2006, 09:47
Yes, well much as I had some "never again" moments in the final week this year ;) I'll probably be up there again next year too. And Katzenjammer will probably do the middle two weeks at The Gilded Balloon or Reid Hall (both central, next to that upside-down purple cow this year).

Talking of Katzenjammer, for those in the Thames Valley, they'll be playing South Hill Arts in Bracknell on Sunday 17th September (afternoon gig). I'll be there; if other V-Flyers want to catch them too that would be great. [this part of the topic split off into its own thread...]


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