A forum for discussion of Social Activities
#431874 by buns
16 Jan 2008, 22:08
Sorry to be a little late to this party[:I]

Mrs buns & I have visited this show for a number of years now - up until last year there was always a Diageo Stand where you could sample various tipples such as gin, vodka and scotch - but regrettably this was not in evidence last year after the Show moved to Earls Court.

Last year, the only drinking opportunities were provided by the venue

Unfortunately, I have a prior engagement this year so will have to give it a miss[:#][:#][:#][:#]

#431892 by Roxy-Popsy
16 Jan 2008, 22:41
We sampled free alcolholol last year[;)]
#431898 by honey lamb
16 Jan 2008, 23:10
Originally posted by Roxy-Popsy
We sampled free alcolholol last year[;)]

Looks like you're still suffering from the effects [}:)]
#432835 by Darren Wheeler
28 Jan 2008, 08:31
A word of warning for anyone using the tube to get to Earls Court. The district line is closed from Edgeware Road to Earls Court all weekend as is the whole of the Circle line. http://www.tfl.gov.uk
#432867 by MrsG
28 Jan 2008, 16:26
Originally posted by Darren Wheeler
A word of warning for anyone using the tube to get to Earls Court. The district line is closed from Edgeware Road to Earls Court all weekend as is the whole of the Circle line. http://www.tfl.gov.uk

Ah, London Transport. How I miss it. Guess I will have to make alternative arrangements. I still refuse to drive in though!
#432870 by Darren Wheeler
28 Jan 2008, 16:43
The Piccadilly Line is supposedly working normally, or so they say. Looks like I'll be driving as Paddington-Earls Court will be a nightmare. Plus, even with a parking charge of £17, driving is cheaper than Last Great Western and no flatulent tourist to sit next to either.
#433234 by Roxy-Popsy
31 Jan 2008, 22:49
Evening all

Right, been there, done that!

This is a real quickie.
Arrived with a friend of mine,
got free Times newspaer & travel show guide,
drank the free wine x 3,
ate the free choclits,
ate the free cheese,
ate the free bread,
ate the free sausage,
chewed the free sweets,
sucked on the free olives,
ate the free danish pastries,
picked up the free pens,
picked up the free post-it notes,
got free orchids,
helped myself to the free calender,
had a long chat with Kate Humble,
got in the way of a camera crew,
sat in the upstairs lounge bar & had a glass of bubbles,
got free hat which I wore having had bubbles & no longer cared.
ran into my dad, we didn't know each other was going,

Had a great day.

Helpful hint - take magnifying glass to read map of stands in Destinations guide.

If you're going, hope you have a great day.

TTFN R-P [;)]
#433288 by Roxy-Popsy
01 Feb 2008, 15:05
Whoops, I forgot to add that it was a good show with a lot of variety to tempt travellers.[y]
It was busy with lots of people of a certain age who wore their rucksucks 'frontwards' & took their own tea/coffee in Vacuum flasks.[:w]
#433323 by Darren Wheeler
01 Feb 2008, 18:36
Doors open at 10 in the morning.

I was looking at being there around that time. Meeting at the central cafe for a energising something or other?
#433334 by HighFlyer
01 Feb 2008, 20:36
We'll probably rock up about midday given that i need a bit of a lie in as I've had a hard week at work [:D] I am sure I'll find most of you by a bar [:D]

#433343 by Wolves27
01 Feb 2008, 20:53
You all have a great time tomorrow. Sorry we can't join you (the joys of Trade Shows) but have a glass of bubbly, free olives, foie gras, for us, and pick up lots of georgeous brochures for *the*hot new destination spa in the Commores. Or somewhere.

Cheers! [y]

#433395 by DMetters-Bone
02 Feb 2008, 09:42
David and I will be there early, as I can't get cover for work. I will be there just after 10am.

Hope to see some of you there. [y]

#433396 by Francesca
02 Feb 2008, 09:57
Decker hasn't landed yet- so not sure if he'll be there- hope everyone has a great time and gets all the freebies!

Mrs D
#433399 by Darren Wheeler
02 Feb 2008, 11:28
It's pretty quiet at the moment. Found the bar and moet is £50 a bottle.
#433402 by Wolves27
02 Feb 2008, 12:23
Originally posted by Darren Wheeler
It's pretty quiet at the moment. Found the bar and moet is £50 a bottle.

.....and you're still on V-Flyer [:0][:D]
Oh the joys of mobile t'internet.
#433405 by Darren Wheeler
02 Feb 2008, 12:32
only as a way to stop mr and mrs punchy coming out for the clowns with huge rucksacks or roller cases.
#433433 by RichardMannion
02 Feb 2008, 18:02
We spent a grand total of 1 hour there. There are plenty of stands, but far too busy for my liking and a worrying number of stands were just empty. The stuff I was interested in (China) just had stands with a pile of leaflets and no people.
#433435 by Darren Wheeler
02 Feb 2008, 18:08
I wasn't particularly impressed either. Apart from the Dancing Dwarf, very mundane and the freebies were a bit thin too. I did manage to pick up some bits on Japan for 09 in a rather fetching bag.

Will see when the Conte Nast is on
#433436 by DMetters-Bone
02 Feb 2008, 18:24
Glad we got there rather early, as it was filling up as we were leaving. I noticed many of the stands were empty. We picked some info on Thailand.

Shame we missed you some of you......Good to see you Darren [y] Hope you 'light' ready goes well.....

#433454 by MrsG
02 Feb 2008, 22:31
Sorry that I missed you all. I arrived around 2pm and had a look at the stands that were of particular interest to me. The freebies seemed a bit thin on the ground, but I did manage to see lots of salsa/flamenco dancing[:?] Boy, was it warm in there though!

Sarah, sorry that we just missed each other. I will keep my eyes open for future socials that coincide with my trips back to England [:D]
#433456 by preiffer
02 Feb 2008, 22:33
Umm. Ooops - My liver put a stop to me going [:I]

Sorry boys and girls...
#433461 by Darren Wheeler
02 Feb 2008, 22:45
Originally posted by preiffer
Umm. Ooops - My liver put a stop to me going [:I]

Sorry boys and girls...

Don't you just hate it when it does that? All ready to go out and it finds a job for you to do.

MrsG. Sorry I missed you too. Will try again on the next social.

Somehow I don't think I'll be going to this show again but am glad I only paid £1.05 to get in.
#433463 by MrsG
02 Feb 2008, 22:51
Originally posted by preiffer
Umm. Ooops - My liver put a stop to me going [:I]

Sorry boys and girls...

Excuses, excuses[:p]

Somehow I don't think I'll be going to this show again but am glad I only paid £1.05 to get in.

Agreed Darren. I was left feeling a bit uninspired by the whole thing.
Virgin Atlantic

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